"The falling snow is a poem of the air." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The second serious get down and boogie snowstorm came along this week, we were royally pasted with a beautiful blanket of snow that made everything look interesting and fresh. Even though there won't be any picnics here anytime soon, this is pure magic.
At first,enduring the freezing winter nights and crisp winter days inspired harsh feelings in the northerner in me, feelings that I had all but erased from the recesses of my mind during my eight years in the desert. Nature is indeed capricious, unpredictable, sometimes violent, and resistant to the cozy human notions of benign order and safety that I felt in the desert. After a few days though, I began to appreciate the stillness, silence and darkness of the winter that forces one to concentrate on renewing and affirming human relationships. Let it snow!
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